Planting Seeds
Today, June 16, is the day of the New Moon. If you don’t know what the significance of this cosmic occurrence is, finding out only requires that you suspend any preconceived notions about how (or if) the celestial world influences our earthly lives. Astrologically speaking, “A New Moon is a symbolic point of attention, and a symbolic portal for new beginnings. New Moons are a great time to set intentions for things you'd like to create, develop, cultivate, make manifest" ( Unlike a New Year’s resolution, a New Moon comes around more than once a year and brings with it energies from forces greater and far more powerful than you or I. If ever you’ve wondered about the Law of Attraction and, more specifically, the possibility that the Universe works with us as much as we are willing to work with it, then consider today’s New Moon an invitation to let go of doubt and embrace your curiosity. Place your focus on the possibilities for new discovery that exist outside your comfort zone and hone in on an area(s) of your life that you’d like to improve. Maybe you want to set an intention to slow down; be kind; reconnect with a part of you that has gotten lost in the race to keep up with everyone else; forgive; take more risks; or, practice patience. Whatever you choose, bring your awareness to that choice each and every day. The more you do that, the more likely you will be to align your actions with your intention. Remember:“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!” (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe)The only thing you have to lose is your fear. In my experience, I’ve never had anyone set an intention, plant a seed for change, and then wish that they could get their fear back. The Universe is on your side…see for yourself.