
Feast or Famine

Thanksgiving: for some, it's the holiday that kicks off a season filled with festivity, family, and friends; for others, it's the gateway to a long, dreaded stretch of loneliness, scarcity, and disconnection. Too often, for some of us, holidays, represent as much emptiness as fullness. Your perception of the glass being half full or half empty depends on which side of the paradox you’re on. And why wouldn’t it? It’s easier to feel grateful when you’ve been fortunate enough to experience the fullness that comes with connection, warmth, and joy. But, how do you cultivate those things when they haven’t come easily, or at all? The answer isn’t simple, but it also may not be as hard as you think. Consider the following thought:“Be careful how you interpret the world: It is like that.” (Erich Heller)Now ask yourself how you interpret your world. If your answer includes empty, lonely, hopeless, unfair, cruel, or broken, remember that none of those have to be synonymous with powerlessness. No matter what your circumstances may be, there is a natural abundance that resides in choice. This year, imagine piling your holiday plate high with something more sustaining and life-giving than heartache, resentment, and fear. What would you choose? Giving yourself permission to explore your options doesn’t cost a thing. Sometimes the slightest shift in perspective can create a whole new world - and lift your spirit more than even the most generous slice of pumpkin pie.
